Dead Sea, Israel 2009

I am Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering in the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), USA,
and Researcher in the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel.
In 2018-2020, I was a post-doctoral researcher with the CNRS and IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), Toulouse, France.
In 2013-2018, I was a post-doctoral researcher in GIPSA-Lab (Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique), Grenoble, France.
I obtained my PhD in 2013, from Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Google Scholar, full , publications and talks, PhD thesis, 0000-0001-6179-0219


Research Interests:

Matlab Code:

Special Sessions that I (Co)-Organized: